Friday, March 13, 2009


Finally, a well deserved two-week vacation. While the rest of our classmates are looking for real jobs, I am thinking a hearty dose of market research is in order. That means taking coffee at the maximum prescribed dose and scoping out what exactly is out here in Eugene. With so many coffee shops it is hard to sort out which ones have a decent cup. I won't say anything bad about those other roasters, but as far as I am concerned, our Santa Elena Estate 'Miel' might be the best available single-origin cup in Eugene. It is like hot-buttered rum with great acidity and balance. 

I have been a little desensitized to its unique flavors and I am ready to head back up to Seattle so we can experiment with some new coffees and bring out the flavors in some Ethiopian or Kenyan coffees. If we get in touch with some shops, we will be bringing out some espresso roasts, too. Things are looking up. Luckily we are in the coffee business, one of the few that maintains its popularity in a lackluster economy. 

See you out there, 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Race Review

Let me tell you! Last Saturday's bike race was a lot of fun. Big thanks to Jeremy for organizing the whole deal and Collins Cycle Shop for throwing down some quality prizes! Also, congratulations to the top finishers: Steve, who clocked in at a fast 35 minutes and winner of the $40 Collins gift certificate and pound of coffee, Aarie who took second and another gift certificate, and Travis (I think that was your name) took third place and a sixer Hefeweizen. Also special thanks to Carina who took these rad photos. Check out her blog at

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Some of the story, from Zach's perspective.

We all go to school and live in a co-op in Eugene, Oregon. I hate to call us coffee snobs, but that is why we first tossed around this roasting idea. No one we know is as particular as we are, so sometimes we can't avoid the label. A keen sense for our trade is necessary, no matter the risk in being stereotyped.
None of us being business majors, our coffee roasting is not a playground for a future business. It isn't a hobby either. But what does it mean to us? There is no clear answer. But we affirm the need for exquisite and flavorful coffee and that isn't always available. So we took the manner into our own hands and serendipity blessed us. Our coffee started tasting very good, very fast. It had to, because we want people to drink it. We want people to develop the taste for coffee. So we are out here. Doing what we want.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


On Saturday February 14, Underground Coffee Roasters will be hosting a cycling event in Eugene to help kick off our brand. Be at the EMU on 13th and University at 2PM ready to gulp coffee and pedal fast for the 'CAFFEINE CAT'. Prizes awarded to the top finishers.